Monday 29 September 2014

Natural Blur of Spinning Face
I took this photograph by having the camera on a high exposure and a low ISO. I asked him to shake his head vigorously.

Artificial Blur  of Chair
I took this picture by using the AUTO setting on my camera and taking a regular picture of a chair. I artificially blurred this my selecting everything but the chair and blurring it.

Macro of Fly
I took this picture by using a macro lens on the macro setting of the camera. It took me a while but I was eventually able to get focus on the fly.

Macro of Rusty Piece of Metal
I got this picture by using the macro setting on the camera and having a high ISO.
Black and White: Close UP
I got this picture by having an ISO of 400 and on the B/W setting.

Black and White: Weird Angle
I got this picture by having an ISO of 400 and on the B/W setting.

Colour: Partial
I got this picture by having an ISO of 400 and on the colour setting.

Sepia Tone: Full Front
I got this picture by having an ISO of 400 and on the sepia tone setting.

Stop Action: Person Jumping Off Of a Table
I got this picture by having an ISO of 1600 and on the colour setting. I had the shutter speed to 1/1600.

Stop Action: Person Jumping 
I got this picture by having an ISO of 1600 and on the colour setting. I had the shutter speed to 1/1600.

Texture: Rubber Mat
I got this picture by using the macro feature on the camera while having ISO on 400 and exposure set to default.

Strings in a ball
I got this picture by using the macro feature on the camera while having ISO on 400 and exposure set to default.

I got this picture by using the macro feature on the camera while having ISO on 400 and exposure set to default.

I got this picture by using the macro feature on the camera while having ISO on 400 and exposure set to default.

Wood Chips
I got this picture by using the macro feature on the camera while having ISO on 400 and exposure set to default.

I got this picture by using the macro feature on the camera while having ISO on 400 and exposure set to default.

Object Picture of a Pencil:
 On the Macro setting of the camera

Sequence: This is a compilation of images that tells a story. These images were taken at an ISO of 400. The other setting were automatic but I also had it on a burst photography mode so that I could get all the images in real time and the speed at which the person actually kicked the ball instead of pretending to kick the ball. In gimp I then increased the saturation and contrast of all the six images.

Dyptik: This is two images that relate to each other in some way. On the left is an image of the track at school, on the right is an image of the batton being passed to the other runner. I chose to take these images because it relates to the up coming track meet which a lot of people at school are participating in. And as a host family I thought that I could relate to this. This image was also taken at an ISO of 400 and I increased the saturation and contrast in gimp. However, this time it was not in the burst photography mode.
Basketball Advert:
I used an ISO of 400 and white balance on auto. Everything else was automatic. I chose to use this as my advert because I believe that the ICS sports programs are excellent. 
Final Product:
For this image I used an ISO of 400 and an aspect ratio of 1:1 for my images.
I made this collage by taking many pictures of the same persons face and in the same background. I then compiled those images digitally and place them into one, in order to create the effect of one face even though they are many different parts put toghether. I made this collage to show how the human face is very symmetrical and that it is amazing how it is made. Even though it is a collage, the image still shows many parts of her face and the viewer can still get an idea of what the person looks like. 
Object Picture of a roll of duct tape:
 On the Macro setting of the camera

Johnathan Hobin

This photographers work is very controversial. He suggests that his photographs are there to indicate the fact that kids might have a different perspective and how they really perceive the world. Also he suggests that humans never grew up, he also suggests that adults just take the playroom into a bigger picture. And that we are still playing war games in a much larger play room. Jonathan Hobin is well known for the ways in which he photographs children in ways that may make people feel uncomfortable about his photography.
The element that makes his work interesting is the fact that he uses children in his photography to show disasters that maybe people see through a different light once children re-enact that particular scene.

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